
Maple Leaf Orthosis With Distal Extension, 2041-C Hip Joint

Model 147-DE incorporates the Becker 2041-C hip joint, which allows incremental adjustment of flexion/extension in 20 degree increments and abduction/adduction in 9 degree increments.

Item No
Pelvic Diameter
147-DE-C147-DE-CEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, CustCustomCustom
147-DE-L147-DE-LEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, LGLarge11 3/4in to 13 1/2in
147-DE-M147-DE-MEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, MEDMedium9 3/4in to 11 1/2in
147-DE-S147-DE-SEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, SMSmall7 3/4in to 9 1/2in
147-DE-XL147-DE-XLEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, XLExtra Large9 3/4in or Larger
147-DE-XS147-DE-XSEAMaple Leaf Ortho Distal Ext, 2041-C Hip Jnt, XSExtra Small6in to 7 1/2in